By Expertise All Expertises 17th-century Dutch Art Accents and Dialects Accounting Education Accounting Ethics Acting Active Learning Activism Adolescent Risk Behaviors Aegean Archaeology Affective neuroscience African American Artists Air Quality American 19th Century History American Business History American Diplomacy American Dominican History American Financial History American History American Philosophy American Politics American Politics and Public Policy Analytical Chemistry Ancient Sea-Faring Animal models of psychpathology Anthony Trollope Antisocial Personality Disorder Antoine Frederic Ozanam Ants Applications of Dynamic Programming to Operations Applied Econometrics Applied Math Models Art and the Homeric World Art History and Religion Arthurian Literature: Medieval Othering, Race and Ethnicity Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assessment Atlantic World Auditing (auditing of fair value, professional skepticism, auditor judgment and decision making, training of auditors) Bacterial Metabolism Ballet Bank Capital and Risk Management Bank Fair Lending & Fair Pricing Baroque Performance Practice Bartolome de las Casas, O.P. Beekeeping Behavioral Ecology Behavioral Finance Behavioral neuroscience Biochemistry Bioethics Biology Biomechanics Biomedical Research Body Size and Scaling Brand Portfolio Management Branding Brazilian Immigration British Literature and Film Broker/Lender Behavior: Mortgages & Autos Bullying Business/Corporate Strategy Business Ethics Business Law Business-to-Business Marketing Campaign and Elections Campaigns and Elections Campaigns and Elections (U.S. and Rhode Island) Campus-Community Organizing Campus Sexual Violence Caribbean Literature Casino Gambling Catholic Health Care issues Catholic Sexual Ethics (Homosexuality) Catholic Social Thought Central banking Charles Dickens Chemical Biology Chemistry & Biochemistry Child and Adolescent Social/Emotional Development Children’s Dance China Christian Art Christian Missionaries Christian-Muslim Relations Christianity and culture Church history Civic Education Civic Engagement Civil Discourse Climate Change Coaching Cognitive and behavioral effects of traumatic brain injury and stroke Cognitive Development in Childhood Cold War Collective Behavior College Parent Programs Community Based Instruction Community Ecology Community Engagement Community Organizing Comparative Cognition Comparative Health Policy Comparative Physiology Comparative Politics Competition in High-Technology Markets Computer Performance Evaluation Computer Security Conduct Problems Congress, Youth, and Politics Conspiracy Theories Consumer Complaining Behaviors Consumer Information Sharing Consumer Payments (including credit, debit, and gift cards; mobile payments; other prepaid products) Consumer Shopping Trends Contemporary Chemistry Contemporary Social Movements Contemporary Women’s Issues Corporate Finance Corporate Image and Reputation Corporate Name Changes Corporate Social Responsibility Country-of-Origin Effects COVID-19 Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior Cuban Literature and Cinema Cybersecurity Dance Composition Dance History Data Analytics Data and Analytics in Auditing Data management, curation, and retention in quantitative, geospatial, and government created data Data Storage and Computer Networking Development and Aid Development of Executive Function Development of Pretend Play, Imagination, and Creativity Importance of Play Development of Social Cognition Development of Western Civilization Digitial Culture Diversity & Inclusion Documentary Films Early American/Atlantic History Early American Cities/Urban History Early Modern Philosophy East Asia Ecclesiology Ecology and Evolution Economic and Financial History Economic and Social Welfare Issues Effects of Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation on Skin Aging and Skin Cancer Elizabeth Gaskell Engineering Design Entrepreneurial and Start-up Finance Entrepreneurship Environmental Analytical Chemistry Environmental Biology Environmental Chemistry Environmental Methods and Statistics Environmental Politics (Global, U.S., Rhode Island) Equity/Asset Valuation Ethics Ethics and Social Justice Ethics Education Ethnography Fate and Transport of Pollutants Federal Taxation Federalist Era America Feminist Art Feminist Theory Finance Financial and Business Cycle Issues Financial economics Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Modelling Financial Scandals and Fraud Cases Financial Services Firms Fiscal and Monetary Policy Fluid Dynamics Foundations in Environmental Biology Fragrance Marketing Free Markets/Capitalism French Music of the Seventeenth Century Functional Differential Equations Gender and Management Gender & Sexuality in US Photography Gender Workplace Discrimination Geography and Politics Germany in the era of World War I and Word War II Gift Selection & Purchase Global Health Gut Microbiome Harpsichord Performance Health Care Ethics Health Care in the Mass Media Health Care Reform Health Economics Health Insurance Health Planning/Certificate of Need Regulation Health Policy Health Psychology Historical Jesus Historical Theology/Church History History and Theology of the early Church History of Analytic Philosophy History of Medicine History of Philosophy History of the Art Market, Collecting and Museums History of the Interpretation of the Bible HIV Holocaust and Looted Art Work Homelessness Hospital Reimbursement Hospitality – Cruise Lines and Airlines Human Anatomy Human Neuropsychology Humanitarianism Iconoclasm Immigrant Incorporation Implicit Bias Inclusive Education Information warfare, disinformation, use/abuse of social media and other online tools for political purposes Insect Pollinators Insects and Natural History Insurance International Economics and Economies International Finance International Modern and Contemporary Art and Culture (20th/21st centuries) International Relations International Trade Internet Speech Interpersonal and Gender-Based Violence Interpretive Methods of Art History Introduction to service in a democratic societyService-learningFaith and serviceThe Society of St. Vincent de Paul Inventory & Capacity Management Invertebrate Zoology Investments Irish Drama Islamic Political Movements Italian Renaissance Art Italian Renaissance History J.M. Synge Jazz Dance Jellyfish Jewish-Christian Relations Labor Economics Labor History Language Development and Disorders Late-Antique and Medieval Jewish and Christian Art and Architecture Latin American History, Colonial and Modern Latin American Literature and Culture Latino/a adolescent risky behavior Latino Mothers and Fathers Law Leadership Leadership Development Learning Citizenship Education Legal issues relating to digital and social media Leonardo da Vinci LGBTQ history and issues Liberal Arts Honors Locomotion Luxury Marketing Macroeconomics Managed Care Management Management Education Managerial Finance Managing and Moving “Big Data” Marine Biology Market Anomalies Marketing Research and Consulting Markets and Institutions Math Education Mathematical Biology Mathematical Relationships and/or Structure Medical Anthropology Medical Sociology Medicinal Chemistry Medieval Canon Law Medieval History Medieval Jewish and Christian Cultural Exchange Medieval Kingship, Multicultural Empires, and Ideologies of Power Medieval Latin, Anglo-Norman, and Middle English Chronicles Medieval/Renaissance Venice Medieval Social History: gender, women, marriage,family life, papal history 11th-13th centuries Medieval Theology Mediterranean Archaeology Memes Mental Health and Trauma Metabolic Physiology Middle East Middle East Politics Mindfulness and Meditation Mindfulness in the Workplace Missions and Missionaries in Literature Modern Dance Modern Drama Modern European History (particularly Germany and Italy, 19th and 20th century) Modern Language Studies Modern Spanish Literature Monasticism (religious life) Monetary Policy Movement of Renewal in the Catholic Church Museum Studies Music Education Music of the Seventeenth Century and Eighteenth Centuries Myth, Legendary History, and Folklore Native American History Network Optimization Neuroscience on Music and the Brain New Testament News Media and Public Opinion NGOs and Faith-Based Organizations Nineteenth Century British Literature and Culture Nineteenth Century Catholicism Notre Dame Cathedral and Gothic Architecture Nutritional Biochemistry Nutritional Ecology Occupational Heat Stress Oral Communication Organic Chemistry Origin and Evolution of Flight Ottoman and Turkish History Paleontology Papacy Parent/Child relationships and the college experience Parent Involvement and impact on a student’s adjustment (first year) Parenting and Adoption Philosophical Foundations of Ethics (Meta-ethics) Philosophy Philosophy of Knowledge Philosophy of Language Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Quantum Mechanics Political Economy Political Parties Political Rhetoric Political Theory Politics and Culture Politics in Literature and Film Politics of Race and Ethnicity Pollination Ecology Popular Culture Populism Poverty Poverty and Charity Presidency Print Culture/Media History Problem Gambling Production Project Based Learning Psychological issues in criminal and civil legal matters Psychological testing and assessment Psychology Psychology and religion Psychology of aging Psychopathy Psychotherapy Public Administration Public Art and Policy Public-Community Service Studies Public Discourse Public Funding of Stadiums Public Interest Accounting Issues Public Management/Administration Public Opinion and Health Care Public Policy Public Speaking Race and Ethnicity, and Families Race/Slavery in Early Rhode Island Reformation Theology Regulation Religion and college students Rembrandt Renaissance and Baroque Art History Renaissance Literature Reproductive Justice & Art Response to Intervention Revolutionary Era America Risk Management Ritual and Gender Studies Romani (Gypsies), particularly in western Europe (19th century – contemporary issues) Sacraments Sacred Space in Art and Architecture Sacrifice and Blood Sales Sarbanes-Oxley Act/PCAOB Second Order Non-Linear Difference Equations Secondary: Consumer Privacy, Employee Motivation and Incentives Service Learning Seventeenth-Century French Airs or Songs Sexual abuse crisis in the Church Shakespeare Shakespearean Text Simone Weil Smith Center for the Arts Social and Digital Media Social Insects Social Justice Issues Social Movements Social Work Sociology of Disaster Sourcing & Procurement Spanish Conquest and Colonization of Americas Special Education Specific Learning Disabilities Specifications Grading Spiritual and psychological growth Sports Analytics Sports Betting Sports Economics Sports Labor Relations State Politics Stereotypes & Prejudice Strength of Materials Superstitious conditioning Supply Chain Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses TADA – the Da Vinci Code and related topics (Gnostic Gospels) Taxation and Retirement Team Development Technology and Innovation Management Technology in Marketing/Selling The American West The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Iraq & Egypt The English Reformation The Era of Napoleon The Inquisition The International Phonetic Alphabet The Jerusalem Temple The Liberal Arts in the Age of Artificial Intelligence The neuroscience of fear The Popes (history of) The Progressive Era The Reformation in general Theatre Theology, morality (specifically sexual morality) and all things related to the Catholic Church Theology of Images Theories of Sacred Space Thermal Physiology Trauma Turkish Politics Turkish Politics & Society & Culture Unauthorized Youth Urban Education Urban Sociology US Economic Policy Vermeer Vertebrate Anatomy Vocal Historical Performance Voice and Speech W.B. Yeats Western Civilization: Ancient/Medieval/Early modern periods Wittgenstein Women in Dance & Sport Women in the Arts Women’s and Gender Studies Women’s and Gender Studies 101 & Race Women’s History Women’s Studies Workplace Fraud Zombies
Department All Disciplines Accountancy Art and Art History Biology Black Studies Chemistry & Biochemistry Economics Elementary/Special Education English Finance Global Studies Health Sciences History Humanities Program Latin American Studies Management Marketing Mathematics and Computer Science Music Phillips Memorial Library Philosophy Political Science Psychology School of Business Secondary Education Social Work Sociology and Anthropology Student Affairs Theatre, Dance, and Film Theology Undergraduate Studies Women’s and Gender Studies World Languages and Cultures