Imported Revenue-City of Providence

Imported Revenue $26,904,533

1. Off-campus students (student survey)
Apartment rental income
Food & other living expenses
Discretionary spending
2. On-campus students (student survey)
Food & other expenses (no campus meal plan)
Discretionary spending
3. PC employees living in Providence (estimate)
Apartment rental income
4. Parent/alumni visitation (hotels/restaurants – estimates)
Commencement Weekend
Formal Parent Weekends (Freshmen)
Informal parent weekend visits
Upper class student “Move In” Day
Freshmen Orientation
Formal Alumni/Trustee Weekends (Alumni, SDS)
5. Other PC visitors (hotels/restaurants – estimates)
Visiting athletic teams
Summer athletic camps
Student prospects – campus visits
Admitted students – campus program
6. Men’s basketball attendees/Dunkin’ Donuts Center
(hotels/restaurants – estimate)
7. College faculty/staff recruitment (hotels/restaurants) $30,657
8. Wedding receptions held in Providence (estimate)
(ceremonies held in PC Chapel)
9. PC grant to Smith Hill Community Development Corporation
(for affordable housing – $750,000 over three years)